TECH5 partners up with Ethiopian government for National ID Program (NIDP)

01 February, 2022 | News


CONGRATULATIONS Machiel van der Harst, Co-founder & CEO of Tech5, and all team members @ TOTM Technologies’ Strategic Partner, as the official technology partner & supplier of Ethiopia’s National ID Program (aka the National ID Program of the Ethiopian Government Entity or NIDP Ethiopia).

“This entire program is aimed at creating and implementing a Foundational Digital ID system for Ethiopia at the national level, the culmination of which results in the enrollment of millions of consenting individuals as part of national priority use-cases in the banking, insurance, education, residential services and other sectors,” comments Yodahe Zemichael, executive director of the NID Program. “We are glad to partner with the TECH5 team, who have demonstrated innovative solutions in the biometrics industry.”

“We are fully supporting the Ethiopian National ID Program with our expertise and latest technologies because we share the same principles of inclusion that provide individuals with a universal digital identity that is easily accessible and controlled solely by them,” says Machiel van der Harst.
